Monday, May 26, 2008

Hello and welcome to customer service. Please excuse the rioting.

Wow, it has been way too long since I blogged, but I guess I was waiting for the perfect example of the evils of government. Here is a perfect example of what happens when a nation of citizens become too dependent upon the largesse of government:

Four days of bloody demonstrations in western India by members of the Gujjar community have so far claimed the lives of 36 protesters and one policeman in the worst-hit Rajasthan state.
The Gujjars are seeking to reclassify their hereditary caste to a lower level, which would allow them to qualify for government jobs and university places reserved for such groups. The government has refused.

So we literally have a group of people in this world that realize that they only way to get ahead is to be considered a disadvantaged minority. Brilliant.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Inspiration amongst the morass of life

Loyal readers of this blog (both of you) know that I have a tendency to be sarcastic, skeptical and down right ornery, however, this story is truly awe-inspiring.

Please take the time to read about John Challis and his incredible story.
Godspeed John.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pope: ET is cool, but not that guy wearing a wig and a dress

Well, at least all of those alien abductees can now say that it was God's will.

Just in case you don't want to read the article, here is the basic premise:

"The Vatican's chief astronomer says that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God. Funes said that ruling out the existence of aliens would be like "putting limits" on God's creative freedom."

However, it would appear that "God's creative freedom" doesn't include transsexuals. According to this edict from Rome...

"...transsexuals are considered to suffer from "mental pathologies," a disassociation between their mind and body in determining their sex. "

And let's not forget the Vatican's quick and forceful denouncement of the work of pure evil: The Da Vinci Code.

In a nutshell here's what the Vatican thinks of the Da Vinci Code:

"The cardinal leading the Vatican’s charge against The Da Vinci Code urged Catholics on Wednesday to shun it like rotten food and branded the bestseller “a sack full of lies” insulting the Christian faith."

Hmmm, so the Pope doesn't want you to believe the pack of lies and fiction in The Da Vinci Code, but don't you dare doubt that a man walked on water, turned water into wine and restored sight to the blind.

So to recap aliens OK, men in dresses and The Da Vinci Code are one-way tickets to Hell.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Send them a message: Eat More Turkey!!!

This calls for retaliation. I, for one, plan on having a hot turkey sandwich and a tall cold one tomorrow.
BEWARE: They want our beer

Thursday, May 8, 2008

...and don't forget to cut my grass

The collective jackasses we elected to Congress are at it again.

This time they are going to rescue those poor helpless souls (i.e. greedy condo speculators, morons who didn't read their mortgage documents and downright imbeciles who had no business buying a $400,000 home) stay in their homes on YOUR TAX DOLLARS.

Here are some scintillating highlights for those who don't want to waste the time, blood pressure or bile to read the article:

At the heart of the legislation is a program to provide up to $300 billion in federal loan guarantees through the Federal Housing Administration. The guarantees would be provided only after lenders agreed to reduce the value of a borrower's existing mortgage, after which qualifying borrowers would be refinanced into an affordable loan.

The key phrase is "reduce the value of a borrower's existing mortgage." So let me get this straight...these poor helpless souls get their mortgage REDUCED??? This is the equivalent of the idiot down the street that goes on a Best Buy, Home Depot and Ford F-150 binge on his credit card, claims "poverty" and gets his credit card balance lowered.
Here's another great quote:

"It's not a give-away and not a bailout; there's a lot of good in this bill," Rep. Gary Miller said in an interview.

Huh? If I get my mortgage reduced it's not a "give-away" or a "bailout?" I guess it would only qualify as a "give-away" or "bailout" if they paid their boat or RV off too.

Well at least there is one sane person in Congress:

House Republicans also seized on the price tag for the legislation. "What we can't do is let the federal government be the piggy bank when things don't go like we planned," Rep. Randy Neugebauer said.

Also not mentioned in this article is the Congressional term for those of you who are current on your mortgage and abide by common economical sense - SUCKER.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Show me the money

Finally someone who is bold and stupid enough to speak the honest truth about the Democratic Presidential primary:

LOS ANGELES (AP) - What will it take for a Democratic presidential candidate to win the support of California superdelegate Steven Ybarra?

Say, $20 million.

The Democratic National Committee member doesn't parse his words when it comes to what he wants from Barack Obama or Hillary Rodham Clinton - an ironclad promise to spend that heady amount to register Mexican-American voters and get them to the polls in November.

In a telephone interview Wednesday, he said he plans to remain undecided in the tight contest until "someone shows me the money."

When will he settle on a candidate?

"Nobody showed me any money yet," he said.

He's not kidding. To Ybarra, a Sacramento lawyer, the stakes are no less than winning the presidency in November.

He predicted that as many as 1.3 million Mexican-Americans could be added to voter rolls in New Mexico, Colorado, Florida and other swing states, a potentially decisive edge for the eventual Democratic nominee.

With that investment of funds, Mexican-Americans would realize Democratic leaders "care about us," Ybarra said, referring to Mexican-Americans.

Is $20 million a lot to ask?

In 2004, "they spent a billion to lose," he said.

Wow, democracy in action. So I guess the "smoky, backrooms" are now smoky and full of bundles of cash.

I don't think this is what the DNC imagined when they invented the
"superdelegate" but then again, they are politicians and therefore lack common sense, forethought and humility.

By the way, if you are interested in learning more about Steven Ybarra, aka "The Mexican Bandit" click here: