Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Example #23,478 of Wasted Tax Dollars

Of all the government programs that waste tax dollars, do we really need to support horny, poor, old men? (My comments in red)

Nebraska Plans to Stop Funding Erectile Dysfunction Treatment, Says Sex Is Not Medically Necessary
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Associated Press

Poor Nebraskans seeking treatment for erectile dysfunction may soon be turned away by state government. State officials are proposing state Medicaid rules be changed so that the insurance program does not pay for penile implants. State Medicaid director Vivianne Chaumont said the change is consistent with a federal rule, approved in 2006, that barred the federal government from spending Medicaid dollars on erectile dysfunction drugs including Viagra. Nebraska followed suit a few months later and changed its rules to keep state Medicaid money from being spent on the drugs.

The federal government will still help pay for penile implants in states that choose to continue covering the procedure under their Medicaid plans. (Are you kidding me? My tax dollars are being used for poor, horny old men?)

"The decision was made not to cover the drugs, so it's ... a good idea to have particular procedures for prosthesis not covered as well," Chaumont said. Medicaid is meant to pay for the medical necessities of needy people and "sex is not medically necessary," she said. (Amen sister)
Unlike other, current proposals in the state to reduce coverage for dental services, eyeglasses and hearing aids, among others, removing erectile dysfunction from the Medicaid list is not meant as a cost-cutting measure. Three Nebraskans have had penile implants paid for by Medicaid since 2003, with Medicaid picking up $11,705 of the costs, according to the state Department of Health and Human Services.

The exact cost to the state could not be figured, spokeswoman Marla Augustine said, but the state normally funds 40 percent of Medicaid. The federal government pays the rest. (So we as tax-payers paid over $7,000 so these Cornhuskers could get a "stiff stalk.")

Dr. Ira Sharlip with the American Urological Association said the proposed rule change is unfair to poor men who can't afford the treatments and raises issues of gender equity. (Hey, Dr. Ira p*ss off) The condition, he said, can be "devastating psychologically," leading to depression and marital problems. (tough sh*t) "It is not logical to me or seem fair to deny poor people from having access to safe and not very expensive treatments," said Sharlip, a professor of urology at the University of California in San Francisco.

A substantial percentage of men with erectile dysfunction have it as a result of prostate cancer. He compared that link to women who have their breasts removed as a treatment for breast cancer. Federal law requires many insurers who pay for mastectomies to also pay for breast reconstruction, Sharlip said. Nebraska is not required to cover breast reconstruction under its Medicaid program, but does so anyway. (It shouldn't) "At the very least, to provide for gender parity, men who have ED as a result of prostate cancer should be provided treatment under Medicaid," Sharlip said.

Chaumont, who moved to Nebraska about a year ago to take her current position, said she didn't know why the decision was made to cover breast reconstruction under Nebraska Medicaid but added that it didn't strike her as unreasonable. "I don't think breast cancer has anything to do with sexual dysfunction or sexual impotence," she said. Asked why it is important to cover breast reconstruction, she said that doing so "is in line with other insurers."

A hearing on the proposed rule change is scheduled for July 10.

Required Reading Alert !!!!

The following is an op-ed piece from June 18, 2008 edition of the Wall Street Journal and should be required reading for every single home-owner in the country. The author of this op-ed piece is former House Representative Dick Armey, who details the mortgage bail-out legislation currently being considered by the Senate.

In summary, the CEO of Countrywide Credit gave preferential treatment and sweetheart deals to prominent members of the Senate, including Senator Dodd, the author of this horrific legislation. Setting aside the stench of a scandal, the legislation could cost the taxpayers enormous sums of money, potentially bankrupting the FHA:

On June 9, FHA Commissioner Brian Montgomery told reporters that he opposes the Dodd-Frank approach, saying that the FHA "is not designed to become the federal lender of last resort, a mega-agency to subsidize bad loans." Last week the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that banks will use the program to offload their "highest-risk loans" to the taxpayer, and that a stunning 35% of all of the loans refinanced through Dodd-Frank will eventually default on the FHA.

Unsurprisingly, Countrywide executives have testified in support of expanded FHA refinancing. The company itself is a longtime and significant contributor to Messrs. Dodd and Frank. According to data from the Center for Responsive Politics', Mr. Dodd raised more than $6.3 million this election cycle -- 76% of his total war chest -- from banks, finance and real estate companies.

Once again, taxpayers will foot the bill for those who have been living well beyond their means or worse, speculating on the prices of homes. Contact your congress-person and voice your opposition to this garage legislation. Also, visit Dick Armey's organizaton at

Democrat another word for Communist

I don't know about you, but I didn't realize the Democratic Party was adopting a Communist platform for this fall's election. According to published reports from Fox, the House Democrats, who are more and more resembling Bolsheviks, are calling for the nationalization of oil refineries:

House Democrats responded to President's Bush's call for Congress to lift the moratorium on offshore drilling. Among other things, the Democrats called for the government to own refineries so it could better control the flow of the oil supply. Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), member of the House Appropriations Committee and one of the most-ardent opponents of off-shore drilling: "We (the government) should own the refineries. Then we can control how much gets out into the market."

I get the feeling that Rep. Hinchey would have felt right at home at the Kremlin. So let me get this straight, Rep. Hinchey and his fellow Democrats are opposed to off-shore drilling, yet they want to nationalize refrineries? Let's ask the fair citizens of Venezuela how nationalization is helping their country.