Well, at least all of those alien abductees can now say that it was God's will.
Just in case you don't want to read the article, here is the basic premise:
"The Vatican's chief astronomer says that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God. Funes said that ruling out the existence of aliens would be like "putting limits" on God's creative freedom."
However, it would appear that "God's creative freedom" doesn't include transsexuals. According to this edict from Rome...
"...transsexuals are considered to suffer from "mental pathologies," a disassociation between their mind and body in determining their sex. "
And let's not forget the Vatican's quick and forceful denouncement of the work of pure evil: The Da Vinci Code.
In a nutshell here's what the Vatican thinks of the Da Vinci Code:
"The cardinal leading the Vatican’s charge against The Da Vinci Code urged Catholics on Wednesday to shun it like rotten food and branded the bestseller “a sack full of lies” insulting the Christian faith."
"The cardinal leading the Vatican’s charge against The Da Vinci Code urged Catholics on Wednesday to shun it like rotten food and branded the bestseller “a sack full of lies” insulting the Christian faith."
Hmmm, so the Pope doesn't want you to believe the pack of lies and fiction in The Da Vinci Code, but don't you dare doubt that a man walked on water, turned water into wine and restored sight to the blind.
So to recap aliens OK, men in dresses and The Da Vinci Code are one-way tickets to Hell.
First, I'm honored to be the first commenter here.
Smart Alec, tell us what *you* believe in regarding religion and/or UFO's. Enlighten us.
Any discussion on my beliefs would firmly lead the reader to believe I'm an idiot, so believe what you like and remain open to all possibilities
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